Is Your Garage Door Opening By Itself?

Garage doors can open by themselves. There isn't a single reason why this happens. The Seattle Times points out garage doors are surprisingly complicated systems. Thanks to that, they can malfunction for more reasons than people expect. Whatever the cause, you'll need to do something about the situation. If you're lucky, it'll be something minor you can resolve yourself. For everything else, you'll need garage door repair services to hear what the experts say.

Act Fast If Your Garage Door Is Opening By Itself

You might be tempted to wait if your garage door opens by itself. After all, there's a good chance that fixing it will take time, energy, and money that you can spend elsewhere. However, it's best to resist that temptation. A garage door that opens by itself is a garage door that can't be trusted. It lets people enter your garage without your say-so. Even worse, it makes it easier for them to break into your home. As such, you're best off bringing your garage door back into working order with all possible speed.

Check For Problems You Can Do Something About

There are some things you can check without calling garage door repair services. For example, you can inspect your motion sensors to ensure they're clean, properly aligned, and not blocked by poorly-placed objects. Similarly, you'll want to look at your remote and where you're storing your remote. People have been known to experience issues because of sticky buttons. Moreover, remotes sometimes wind up under things heavy enough to trigger them. There are even cases of garage doors responding to radio waves from something other than the intended control systems. Solving this issue could be as simple as changing the remote's frequency or removing the source of the radio waves.

Call Garage Door Repair Services For Everything Else

Anything more complicated should be left to the professionals. Garage doors are neither simple nor straightforward. That means you can't guarantee you'll find the source of the problem unless you have the right tools and training. Never mind fixing whatever is malfunctioning. If you're unlucky, you could cause significant damage while tinkering, thus turning a need for garage door repair into a need for a new garage door installation. Something that could be extra expensive if you've voided your warranty by working on your garage door yourself rather than leaving it to the experts.

The worst part is that you can hurt yourself. Today's Homeowner says most garage doors weigh between 80 and 550 pounds. That is more than enough weight to hurt you badly if the garage door comes down on you unexpectedly while you're working on it. Other components of the system are just as capable of causing harm without being as obvious about it. For example, the springs are under enormous tension, meaning they can fly out with terrific force. Similarly, electrical wiring is something people should stay far away from unless they know exactly what they're doing. If you're unsure why your garage door is opening by itself, you're much safer leaving everything to garage door repair services rather than risking yourself for uncertain results.

Reach out to a company like Designer Doors to learn more.
